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Healing myself through meditation

Healing myself through meditation

Hello beautiful ones! As some of you may know, I've just returned from an inspiring 7-day retreat with Dr. Joe Dispenza, a renowned expert on personal development and the mind-body connection. For those unfamiliar with his work, I can't recommend his books and videos enough.

Through this blog post, I'm eager to share with you the insightful lessons I've absorbed that have profoundly shifted my perspective. Additionally, I'm looking forward to providing a personal update on the positive developments in my health journey.

Stay tuned for more details – I'm excited to dive into these transformative experiences with you all!

I had a compelling reason to participate in a retreat led by Dr. Joe Dispenza.  I confess that his books had long sat on my shelf, underappreciated. Fascinated by the concept that the mind has the power to influence physical well-being, and faced with personal health hurdles, including persistent migraines, fatigue, forgetfulness, and especially disruptive restless leg syndrome, I sought a deeper understanding.

Despite ongoing treatment and consultations with my neurologist, the severity of my symptoms was escalating, and even expanding beyond my legs. Despite high doses of magnesium and iron, relief seemed elusive. Then, a scheduled MRI brought to light an unexpected discovery: a benign meningioma behind my right eye. This revelation led me directly to Dr. Dispenza's books, and his retreat, in hopes of harnessing my own mind’s capacity for healing.

Spoiler alert..I have some health updates and changes to tell you at the end 😍

Arriving in Orlando for the retreat filled me with a mix of nerves and excitement – this was a leap outside my usual bounds. I’m shy and anxious. How would I get through this? Something with over 2000 people from all over the world? From the first day, I embraced the new routine which began with a 6am meditation. Dr. Joe Dispenza's enlightening sessions framed our days, punctuated by periods of contemplation and powerful hour-long meditations. The most captivating were the walking meditations; we'd listen to guidance through earphones, stepping forward as if embodying our future selves, before drawing our consciousness back whilst lying down—all within the safe confines of the retreat.

Here, I tread carefully, acknowledging that my experiences might stretch the bounds of belief. But I invite you to consider with an open mind what I witnessed: individuals rising from wheelchairs, and others regaining sight or hearing. It was as if I was in the midst of real-time miracles.

So during the seminars I often wrote notes which I will share some of with you now. 

💛 ‘ We have become addicted to stress. We must take our intention away from our outer life’ - This one rung so true for me. I was living in self pity. A poor me mentality. But what favours was it actually doing me? 

💛 ‘Your body has been programmed. Weaken the connection and circuits and make new ones’ - This is through quietening our mind through meditation and becoming aware of our thoughts. How often do we think thoughts that bring us down? 

💛 ‘ The hardest part of change is feeling uncomfortable’ - We get stuck in our ways. But when we reset ourselves and change the program magic happens 

💛 ‘Predict your future by creating it’ - Install your new beliefs through meditation. Become the person you want to be. Happier and healthier. 

💛 ‘Before reacting to anything, ask yourself “what would love do”? - Become love. People who are nasty, jealous, spiteful..are unhappy within themselves. Real strength is being love 

💛 ‘Free your body from your past’ - Those stored emotions will only make you unwell. You can reflect on your past, but when you can look back on a memory without the emotion … now that’s wisdom. 

💛 ‘Where you place your intention, you place your energy’ - What are you placing your intention on daily? Is it benefiting you? 

💛 ‘I made myself sick, I can make myself well’ - in many cases, medication is needed. But most of the time medicine only masks the problem or can make symptoms worse. It’s proven that our body can create its own pharmacy. 

💛 ‘If we fall pray to our suffering, we fall pray to our past’ - It’s time to change the script 

💛 ‘When you feel an emotion, you are connecting new wires in the brain’ - When we become nothing, no one, no where through meditation we are connected to source. Our authentic self. Then when we feel love, gratitude and joy we are making changes within ourself. 

💛 ‘Meditation is a system reboot’ - I came back from the retreat, reset and rebooted. I was no longer identifying myself as unwell, shy and anxious. I was Zoe 2.0 

💛 ‘Meditation is a mind upgrade’ - Surrender and let go of the past 

💛 ‘ If you meditate when you don’t feel like it, that is growth. If you can conquer yourself you can conquer anything - Your mind will give you excuses why you can do it. Do it anyway 

💛 ‘ The more we meditate and quiet the mind, the faster we become one and we aren’t affected by the outside world’ - what’s not to love about that? 

💛 ‘Focus on feeling well. Our body doesn’t know the difference between what’s real and what’s not. If we think of a painful past memory it will believe it’s happening to you in the present’ - When you feel well, your tricking your body to make it happen 

💛 ‘Walk as if you’re the person you wish to become’ - hold that head up high. Walk as if. It feels incredible 

I’m not going to go too heavy on my notes, because I won’t speak it as well as the expert. But head over to dr joes website and you can find his articles with proof, and you can purchase his meditations. You can also find videos of transformation on YouTube, and interviews as well. So before I share my meditation tips, I wanted to tell you something exciting. Since returning from Orlando, I’m no longer on my medication for restless leg syndrome. It’s pretty much completely gone. My headaches have completely stopped, my energy is up, and my anxiety has vanished. Today, I went to the hospital to see my ophthalmologist. They test my field of vision, as the tumour is behind my eye. They were shocked to discover my vision is improving. It didn’t make sense. They even said, I must have learnt to beat the test! When I asked if a meningioma can go away or shrink on its own, they said “absolutely not” .. you can imagine the determination this has given me. Oh how I can’t wait to prove them wrong. I have an mri booked for January so watch this space. 

So if you’ve got this far into the blog, I’m so grateful you have spent this time learning about my journey. It means a lot. Finally, here are my meditation tips. Let’s set this as a 30 day challenge: 

💛 Meditate every day, no excuses. No time to meditate? I run a incredibly busy business. I have two small children, I’m writing a book, and creating a clothing line. Not to mention, running a household and managing every day life. My solution . I set an alarm for 5am before the day begins. You can find a spare bit of time any moment of the day. You will find time for Netflix, or tik tok. Find time for your own self care 

💛 Use headphones and an eye mask. Block out the world. Don’t lay down, you will fall asleep. Sitting on the floor can be uncomfortable. Sit on a comfy chair or edge of your bed 

💛 You can’t meditate because your mind wanders? If I told you to learn a language in one day could you do it? Practice makes perfect. Your mind will wonder, that’s normal. Just don’t give up. If you stick with it, you become stronger 

💛 There’s no such thing as a bad meditation. Even if your mind wonders, or you struggle to relax. You made time for yourself and that’s a win 

leave a comment below and let me know your thoughts. Let me know if you get involved in the challenge too 💛

I will soon post my daily routine, along with diet and supplements. Keep a lookout 👀 


Joe Dispenza website

His recent interview on diary of a ceo

I also recommend downloading the Gaia app and watching his Rewired series 

Healing myself through meditation

Healing myself through meditation

Comments (46)

Amazing Zoe, I’m so happy for you and found this blog wonderfully enlightening.
Joe dispenza is an amazing man and teaching the world to heal themselves is a miracle in itself.
I’m so glad you got to spend time with him to help heal your body and mind.

I pray that in January you have the most positive experience and a clean bill of health.

Looking forward to your next blog, clothing line and book, Wow you’re amazing 💞💞💞

Vanessa Heywood

Wonderful read . Following your journey. Sounds very interesting xx

Susie Travers

Thankyou Zoe for sharing this.
I am throwing myself into self healing at the moment, December is an upside down month I feel but I am planting the seeds now and laying the ground work, learning meditation and plan to go full head 1st into it from the 1st of January. My mind is open X


Such wonderful stuff Zoe I love Dr Joe and so amazing his teachings are empowering you to heal yourself 🩷 I need to buy a meditation now utterly inspiring 🩷can’t wait to hear your updates xxx


This is very interesting and I am looking forward to following your progress. I have a lot going onnin my life right now but I will definitely look to reading further and trying the meditation. Thank you Zoe. Xx

Martine Turner

Hi Zoe, inspired by your posts from the retreat, I headed over to Joe’s YouTube pages. I followed his guidelines for medication too. Afterwards, the release of emotions was incredible. I cried and cried. My life has not been easy, one day I may even feel able to share with you all. You are my mentor, even though you don’t know it. I admire you. I will join the challenge.


Hi Zoe, inspired by your posts from the retreat, I headed over to Joe’s YouTube pages. I followed his guidelines for medication too. Afterwards, the release of emotions was incredible. I cried and cried. My life has not been easy, one day I may even feel able to share with you all. You are my mentor, even though you don’t know it. I admire you. I will join the challenge.


Such a pleasure to read your journey. I need to give meditation a place in my life. I’m so pleased you are experiencing positive things well done Zoe and thankyou for sharing your journey it is a great read. X


Fantastic to read Zoe. can’t wait to see your results from the MRI in the New Year.


Thanks so much for sharing your journey. I have been diagnosed with an aggressive type of breast cancer and I too have started reading Dr Joe Dispenzas books. I would love to join you in this 30 day challenge. I often meditate laying down & fall asleep. I’ll take your advice and try sitting. I’m so excited to follow your journey and I know you will heal yourself xxx


Fabulous just fabulous x you are an inspiration to us all xx


Go Zoe !! Wonderful reading your journey towards an even more loving , positive , empathetic & healed you x

Jen Hayward

What a beautiful read. The “we are all addicted to stress” leaps from the page.
I need to save this and keep re visiting. What an inspiration you are.
Following your journey. The power of your mind over body fascinates me. You fabulous soul ❤️

Deborah Jayne

What a beautiful read. The we are all addicted to stress leaps from the page.
I need to save this and keep re visiting. What an inspiration you are.
Following your journey. The power of your mind over body fascinates me. You fabulous soul ❤️

Deborah Jayne

What a brilliant post! The mind is such a powerful tool and it’s so easy to let it stop us being the best version of ourselves.
Youve inspired me to give meditation a go for 30days. I’ve never made it past 3/4 days.!


Can’t wait to follow your journey. I have the exact same ‘thing’ also behind my right eye.
Sending positive vibes your way. I think you’ve already proven them wrong!
I’m heading to his website first thing tomorrow!
Take care, Sallyanne.


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