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Tips to keep your hair as healthy as your skin

Tips to keep your hair as healthy as your skin

So those of you who follow me and my page know that my husband recently surprised me with a weekend in Rome for my birthday. Rome is such a beautiful and romantic place, I loved every bit of it..all except the part when we arrived at our airbnb and realised that I completely forgot to bring my conditioner and the host only had shampoo!

Just as I had resided myself to the reality that I'd be having crazy Albert Einstein hair all weekend, I had a eureka moment and started rummaging around in my bag, praying I still had it. I was saved. A mini Jar of Gold Cream!

Now we already know the wonders the gold cream can do for the skin, but did you know its a great substitute for a hydrating hair? With no other option, I shampooed my hair and worked a little bit of gold cream through the ends untangling as I went along and left my hair to air dry. It actually worked wonders. Using some more on my skin allowed me to feel totally comfortable sightseeing in Rome, make-up free and feeling fabulous.

If you're ever on a short break somewhere, take advantage of the mini jars which are small enough to come on the plane with you in your hand luggage. It saved me from having dry and dehydrated hair on my weekend away!

While we're on the note of hair, I get a lot of messages about when I'm going to release a Zoe Bee Shampoo. Honestly, I'm not sure if I ever will. I mean, never say never but I'm still so busy working on new skincare products, I can't think of when it would be. Also, I invented Zoe Bee Beauty because I wasn't happy with what was available in the all natural, cruelty free, vegan skincare aisle. So it just made sense to make it myself.

When it comes to hair, I'm already in love with Saffron Hair products which are completely natural so they don't irritate my sensitive scalp. In fact, these have literally transformed my hair over the time that I've been using them and helped my scalp psoriasis too.

I'll leave a link here for you to check it out for yourselves but it ticks all my boxes in that it's vegan, cruelty free and actually works! Don't get me wrong, it's not the cheapest out there but if you have dry, damaged hair from colouring (like mine) or just mistreatment over the years, this is what I recommend.

For those of you who suffer from psoriasis in the scalp like me, I haven't forgotten about you. Try this process to gradually heal and recover the skin on the scalp.

Start by making an overnight mask once a week. Mix one tablespoon of coconut oil (must be unrefined and organic) and two-three drops of peppermint oil. Massage into scalp for two to three minutes and leave overnight. (This next bit isn't essential but it helps). If you have one, go to sleep on a satin pillowcase as not only is it amazing for your skin, (no creases or wrinkles!) It helps to prevent hair breakage too.

Those of you who know me, know I LOVE hearing your results, so please get in touch and share your stories with me about when a mini jar saved your weekend or how the shampoos have worked for you. If you have any other questions don't hesitate to contact me on my page or website and I'll be happy to help!

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