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We've come so far...Thank you!

We've come so far...Thank you!

A few weeks back I was interviewed by Thrive Global and asked how I got started. While answering the questions, I found myself reminiscing about when I first decided to turn my hobby into a business. It's coming up to 5 years since I did that now and it still feels weird to say my creams are now helping people all over the world fall back in love with their skin.

There are so many new faces and subscribers joining my page every day so I thought I'd share a little of my journey with you as a way for you to get to know me and the Zoe Bee Beauty brand a little better.

The Charcoal and Oat Cream

This has always been my Miracle Cream. This was my very first product and one of the first indicators that my formula was successful. I was blown away by all the positive reviews I got from customers who told me they'd tried loads of other products and nothing had worked on their skin until mine! I realised that there were creams that existed to heal and creams that existed to beautify but very few (if any) existed to do both.

The Gold Cream

Following on from that I started paying more attention to the way the creams looked. I wanted them to look good enough to eat and based on the comments on some of my photos, I think I got it just right.

The gold cream was my first step into the luxury market. The totally natural healing cream that looked gorgeous, had real 24K gold in it and could be used as a makeup primer was catching the attention of international shoppers and even prestigious west London stores.

Refreshing new design and formula

As the business has grown and matured, we decided that we should reflect that in the presentation of our products. With a new grown up logo, and higher quality, ethically sourced ingredients and a new and improved formula, I feel like we've finally created a luxury space for natural, Vegan, cruelty free skincare products.

It's been such a wild ride and I really can't thank everyone enough who has supported me by trying a cream, leaving a review, telling a friend or even just liking my Facebook page. Every little gesture really does make a difference. We've still got a long way to go until Zoe Bee Beauty takes over the world and I hope I can count of the support of my longtime and brand new customers to help us along the way.

How long have you been a Zoe Bee Beauty Customer and how has it helped with your #skinconfidence?

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